Friday 14 March 2008

dont tip the paperboy (comedy sketch)

liquid snake who is a evil genius in the hit video game metal gear solid makes an appearance in this story where his funding for metal gear rex is explained. It all starts when he delivers Sunday papers where he makes a substantial amount of money in tips thus spawning his career as a global terrorist but is found out as he accidentally leaves a nuclear warhead in the home section of the sunday mail and is banned from delivering papers

a step too far (comedy sketch)

This story comprises of three friends who are standing out in a back garden admiring the night air when one friend accidentally slips and falls through the door and is knocked out cold. the other 2 friends panic not knowing what to do they instinctively pick their friend up and throw him over a fence. as panic sets 1 friend falls to the ground and starts digging until his knuckles bleed while the other runs around franticly making meh noises while kicking the falling friend in the head all the time a extremely raciest tiny Lego man sits on a fence and watches.

Sunday 9 March 2008

wee sas stikfas dude 12fps

thought I'd add this stop motion test i did using a stikfas guy and some jenga blocks also used fx home visionlab studio to add in the rather shabby gun fire but meh it was my first attempt

Monday 3 March 2008

animation character in flash

this is a character i created in flash just messing around with a cartoon style