Friday 22 February 2008

more animatics

to awake and avenge the dead: this idea involves the main character cedrick who has been bitten by a vampire (damn those bastards) he knows the change that is happening and is finding it hard to control his bloodlust and decides the best blood to spill and consume is that of the criminal kind so in the ends becomes an anti-hero who slaughters all the scum in his city and with his last act of humanity is able to take his own life so to pose no further threat to the innocent.
character analysis: cedrik was a male in his early 30's he was a healthy strong man who has been on leave from his special op's military training unfortunately he has picked the wrong place for a break as his destination is a destroyed city over run with blood thirsty vampires how act like every other citizen but by night attack and kill there victims and allow the murders to appear like either homicides or suicides. once bitten/ attacked cedrick undergoes a change in his appearance as well as mental and physical well being becoming someting evil with a glimmer of good left in him.

Tennessee stud: a gunslinger rides into town upon his marvelous steed being a stranger and all the locals throw abuse at him and shoot at his horse causing it distress which leads to the gunslinger being thrown off his horse makin him a laughing stalk.

the gunslinger calms his horse and and confidntly asks the locals to apologize to his mule when he get yet more abuse thrown at him he makes his way to the local coffin makers and requests 4 coffins then heads back to the locals and guns them down in a hail of bullets before they can even shield their eyes from the sun. he then replies "my mule gets mad when he thinks people are laughing at him" he then climbs his horse and rides away.

character analysis: gunslinger is middle aged around mid 30's he's just man with a mans courage a tall scruffy man with dark stubble and long dark hair not alot is known about this stranger he travels from town town where he has no physical connetion to any 1 no family his only companion being his horse.

the gunslingers horse is a broad and strong beast its a tan brown with a gloyrious mane who only responds to the gunlinger no other man has rode this stud and thats the way it intends to stay

the villagers in the town that the gunslinger visits is an unwelcomeing town for strangers its a small rundown town with only saloons and blacksmiths

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